— News Update

Workiva Designed Reporting
Update: The impact on your reporting!

On April 4th, Workiva implemented new functionalities for ESG and Annual Reporting. Usually, the Workiva software is updated gradually. However, this time the update is quite significant and includes new designed reporting features! That’s why we have chosen to shed some light on this new version of Wdesk.

What’s New?

The designed reporting update contains quite a lot of new tools and features. What’s interesting, is that the new designed reporting update is optional: You can opt-in! We have received a lot of questions from our clients about this choice. It’s a hot topic among project owners.

So, what do these new features mean for your reporting cycle? Designers will get more possibilities with creating more complex pages within the Workiva environment. As a Workiva preferred partner for designed reporting, we were able to test these new features extensively:

  • Moveable content. Design and layout can now be easily changed inside in Workiva. This way, a link with other design software like InDesign is no longer necessary.
  • Image improvements. With the new Workiva software, it’s possible to customize images and use SVG files in your document. This reduces your file size and makes creating the final report easier.
  • Tools to stay on-brand: The new tools can make the use of a corporate branding easier by allowing you to style more consistently. While making a project, the blacklines create a better oversight.

Should You Opt-in?

When used correctly, these new features and tools can streamline your reporting process which results in a more efficient way of working. Thanks to more oversight, it will be easier to keep control over your project in the Workiva platform.

These new features are experimental, so you want to check if they add value to your reporting process before you opt-in. It could change the way that your report is designed.

Both the current and new version of the platform are helpful tools for reporting. As a Workiva specialist and partner we can tell you about the pros and cons based on your situation! Over the years, we’ve helped a lot of our clients via the software. We’re experienced users and thanks to our partnership with Workiva we’ve had access to their demo-versions.
We can tell you all about it.

We can demonstrate real-life application of the next generation features of Workiva. We can help you choose the best way to level-up your reporting game.

Interested? Send us an e-mail to schedule a demo-call! (demo@kentiedesign.eu) We’ll listen to your story without any extra costs attached!

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    Ready to take the Next Step?

    Ready to elevate your financial reporting? Go next level with our expert design services. Schedule a free consultation call and take the next step in creating visually impactful reports. We look forward to working with you and your reporting team!

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    We won’t stop until you file! — We won’t stop until you file! — We won’t stop until you file! — We won’t stop until you file! —